Customer must get ready. Bring along your copy of identity card and driving licence when you deal with the RTD counter. For example if someone is going to apply for road test, the driving institutes must send together the application with a copy of candidate's identity card. If this procedure is not followed, the RTD will reject the application.
For those who want to apply for a new licence after passed the road test, the RTD also will ask for a copy of identity card. This is ridicule because we are in the world of paperless administration. Why must copy of identity card be given to the RTD for every single deals with the department.
For the record, every details of the licence holder including those with learner driving licence (LDL) already in the RTD's computer system. So, is it a good way to ask a copy of identity card everytimes customer deals with the department? Answer me. Who is going to collect tons of recycle papers at the end of month. Wake up RTD.